
A 6-post collection

RSS feed of posts tagged Tutorial

How to use GPG with YubiKey (bonus: WSL 1 and WSL 2)

I just spent a week investigating the use of YubiKey and GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard) in our company for security purposes. During that week I've read many tutorials on GPG, some obsolete, some not, and had to piece how to get GPG + YubiKey working from WSL. Then I wrote everything down in this post. »

How to file a good bug report

After having to deal with low-quality bug reports in our issue tracker, I've decided to write down some rules for writing a good bug report, and why the quality of bug reports is important for the person opening them as well as for the maintainer. »

Basic CMake, part 2: libraries

My previous post about CMake provided a simple CMakeLists.txt for a small, self-contained, project. In practice, very few project are fully self-contained, as they either depend on external libraries, or are themselves libraries that other projects depend on. »

Basic CMake usage

The end of semester is here and, as I grade our students semestral works, I get to use CMakeLists of dubious quality. After seeing the same errors repeat over and over again, I decided to write a short tutorial towards writing simple CMakeLists. »

Basic Make usage

The end of semester is here and, as I grade our students semestral works, I get to use Makefiles of dubious quality. After seeing the same errors repeat over and over again, I decided to write a short tutorial towards writing simple Makefiles. »

How to read Valgrind's output

Every semester, a surprising amount of our students have trouble reading Valgrind's output. To this end I decided to write this short post. »