The Little Things: Comparing Floating Point Numbers

There is a lot of confusion about floating-point numbers and a lot of bad advice going around. IEEE-754 floating-point numbers are a complex beast, and comparing them is not always easy, but in this post, we will take a look at different approaches and their tradeoffs. »

The Little Things: Testing with Catch2

In this post, we will take a look at testing with Catch2. First, we will go over the basics, and then we will take a closer look at three more advanced features: Matchers, Generators, and Benchmarking. »

The Little Things: Everyday efficiencies

Premature optimization is often said to be the root of all evil, because it makes future maintenance harder. I want to show some cases where the faster code is just (or more) as maintainable as the slower one. »

The Little Things: Speeding up C++ compilation

This post is based on an internal training I prepared for my employer, Locksley, and showcases some source-level techniques for improving C++ compilation times. »

Generating random numbers using C++ standard library: the solutions

Last week I wrote about the various problem with using C++'s standard library (mainly <random>) to generate random numbers. This week I will outline what I think are the (standardizable) solutions to fix the functionality in <random> and make it widely usable. »

Generating random numbers using C++ standard library: the problems

I found myself once again writing a long forum post about the problems with standard-provided random number generation facilities (both C++'s <random>, and C's rand) in C++. Since I keep writing these, I decided to write it all down into one blog post so that I can link it to people later. »

Modern SAT solvers: fast, neat and underused (part 1.5 of N)

In part 1 of this series, we built a Sudoku solver based on translating Sudoku to SAT and then giving the resulting SAT instance to a SAT solver. We also »

NDC TechTown and CppCon trip report

I just got home from the second conference I gave a talk at during September and decided to write about my experiences while I am slowly decompressing. »