Random Numbers

A 4-post collection

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Random distributions are not one-size-fits-all (part 2)

In this part, we will look at different algorithms for generating uniformly distributed random numbers and determine whether they fit specific use cases better than Lemire's algorithm. »

Random distributions are not one-size-fits-all (part 1)

Recently I was again on CppCast, and again I talked about C++'s standard library support for random numbers. One of the things I said was that random distributions are not one-size-fits-all. This post is about how this applies to Lemire's algorithm for generating uniformly distributed integers. »

Generating random numbers using C++ standard library: the solutions

Last week I wrote about the various problem with using C++'s standard library (mainly <random>) to generate random numbers. This week I will outline what I think are the (standardizable) solutions to fix the functionality in <random> and make it widely usable. »

Generating random numbers using C++ standard library: the problems

I found myself once again writing a long forum post about the problems with standard-provided random number generation facilities (both C++'s <random>, and C's rand) in C++. Since I keep writing these, I decided to write it all down into one blog post so that I can link it to people later. »